Cancellation Policy

A cancellation policy is common practice among most service providers, including DML Training.

Preparing a training session, can be time-consuming and difficult, ensuring that:

  • Participants are scheduled
  • Arranging a venue with the necessary training tools on site
  • Having a qualified trainer available


DML Trainings schedule can be filled weeks in advance. It is therefore unlikely that we will be able to fill the slot when a client cancels a training event within 48 hours of the scheduled date.

Most of our clients are aware of the consequences of a cancellation and work hard to ensure that their staff attend the training, so we rarely need to apply a cancellation fee.

However, we have had occasions where trainees have not turned up for the session or have cancelled at very short notice; therefore, we have implemented the following cancellation policy for our booking system:

  • No shows or cancellations on the day of the planned training can incur an 80% charge.
  • Cancellations received between 24 and 48 hours of the planned training can incur a 50% charge.